Blog Posts

2.0.0b18 released

Version 2.0.0b18 has been released, fixing a couple of recently introduced bugs that made Potato unusable in certain circumstances (when run from a directory with a space in its name, or when trying to log on Linux), and some other issues. Apologies for the delay to those who reported the unusable bug, RL got in[…]

Not Dead Yet

Just a quick post to say that I am not actually dead, and neither is Potato, despite the lack of visibility recently (and not so recently). Apologies for that; RL and health issues have eaten into a lot of my time and I’ve gotten basically nothing done on Potato in the last year or so,[…]

Meet Mr Spuddy!

Meet the Potato logo/mascot, Mr Spuddy, now in plushie form!

2.0.0b16 release

2.0.0b16 is now released, with binaries available for Windows and a DMG for MacOS (thanks, Yuriko!), as well as source tarballs for Linux and anyone else who wants to poke in the source. We’re also now fully moved to Github from Google Code, so you can also check out the latest, bleeding edge version there.

Still Alive

So, as you may have noticed from the lack of updates, I haven’t really spent much time on Potato recently. In fact, I just realised it’s been over a year since the last version was released. Ouch. Anyway, as Google Code is about to go read-only prior to its complete shutdown, I’ve been forced to[…]

Potato 2.0.0b15 for MacOS X

The MacOS X download for Potato 2.0.0b15 is now available for download. Many thanks to Yuriko for once again compiling it.